Grade: 8/10
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Krigsoffer E.P.
- 7", 2007.

When the innocent...
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- 7", 2007.
Warvictims - D-beat destruction 7"
Genre: Crustcore
Origin: Sweden
Released: 2007
Label: , Up Yours Distro
Uploaded: 09.04.08

First time I had this 7� spin my initial thought was that they had definitely slowed down, until I realized it was spinning in about 12 rpm too slow. And with the correct speed I find that they�ve actually turned it up a notch, it�s a tad faster than their earlier releases. And both Discharge and Anti Cimex come to mind (not a big surprise though as When the innocent die is on here). It�s still the same war-driven d-beat, growling and screaming, but with a twist towards the end. Side B is actually the most diverse material I�ve heard from these lads; Offren forts�tter sk�rdas is way faster and shorter than most of their tunes, and Fucked for life is actually quite sing-along friendly. That latter one could be the next soundtrack for your upcoming drinking parties.
All in all it�s a bit short, but I have no doubt this 7� will be found in the diehard dis-fan�s record collections.

01. Moder jord
02. Blodet slutar aldrig flyta
03. When the innocent die
04. Offren forts�tter sk�rdas
05. Fucked for life