Grade: 8/10
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Zombie Ritual - Zombies from Tokyo MCD
Genre: Goregrind
Origin: Japan
Released: 2007
Website: Zombie Ritual
Label: Apathic View Productions
Uploaded: 24.04.07

Hehe, these crazed Japanese guys sure are obsessed with Zombies, no doubt about it. And while it might come off as unserious the music is bad to the bone. Thrashing goregrind � la tons of bands from the Razorback Records� roster, which is no surprise since Zombie Ritual�s debut album Night of the Zombie Party was released on said label. And what is said to describe this band can just as easily be used for describing Frightmare, Blood Freak, Ghoul or even Birdflesh to some extent. And with that said it�s easy pickin�s when saying Impetigo probably stands for a lot of the influences here. With a heavy and thick sound, slick, well written and greatly executed thrashing riffs and blasting drums there�s no stopping these zombies, spewing forth lyrics in both English and Japanese. I�m enjoying every second of this, and in the words of the band members themselves; drink zom-beer and get zombified!

01. Head banging zombies
02. Zombie hurricane
03. Bring down the zombie hammer
04. Pray to zombie God
05. Zombies from Tokyo