Grade: 7/10
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Six Reasons to Kill / Absidia LP
Genre: Death metal x2
Origin: Germany
Released: -
Website: Six Reasons to Kill, Absidia
Label: Per Koro Records, Bastardized Recordings
Uploaded: -

Wow! The artwork, made by Peter Hoffman, for this album is amazing. Different faces that looks disturbed, deranged and with a sense of withering. The whole impression of this record is actually human withering. The artwork fits the music perfectly. Both bands play their own kind of heavy death metal.
Six Reasons to Kill starts the whole thing off with a haunting intro, and then sets off with their haunting brand of death metal. It�s really heavy and with excellent riffs. Kind of reminds me of Bolt Thrower sometimes, but that still feels way of base. Can�t really compare it to any other band I know. The vocals are truly excellent. Deep growls a la Bolt Thrower vs. excellent high-pitched screaming. The high-pitched is great, really great. And I think it�s the same guy that does both vocals. What else can I say?
Absidia does kind of the same thing as SRTK, just slightly more energetic/faster and without the deep growling. The vocalist�s screams here are more to the trash side of metal, I think. They use samplings to create a war-like feeling. Small stops in the brutality to use more �sensitive� parts, or just faster grinding.
The conclusion of all this is that both bands do their thing really well.

Six Reasons to Kill
1. War
2. Drown in frustration
3. In the name of god
4. Gates to eternity
1. Conspiracy theory
2. No longer willing to wither
3. Written in minor key
4. Reversal of a broken hearted