Grade: 5/10
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Mixomatosis / Audiorrea CD-R
Genre: Grind vs. Crust
Origin: Spain
Released: 2004
Website: Mixomatosis
Label: Sukk Productions
Uploaded: 19.07.05

A lot of us know of the Spanish grindmeisters Mixomatosis, but what we might not know of is the side project Audiorrea (at least Army, the Mixomatosis drummer is in Audiorrea too). Anyway... Audiorrea starts off with an amazing intro, somewhere in between crust and black metal, but after that it's difficult to label - Metallic crust, hardcore, grind... I don't know. Some of the material on here's cool. It has a nice vibe to it, and it makes you rock along a bit. A fair enough first impression.
Mixomatosis on the other hand (not my first listen), I gotta say they've done better. Bad sound quality is what really drags this down. And the drumming lacks tightness. It's still the gory grind we're used to, just not as good. Maybe it's an old recording, I don't know.

1. Amanecer rojo
2. Requiem por un campesino
3. Delirio de un moribundo
1. Un canibal en rusia
2. Infantes ni�os armados
3. La gallina assessina
4. Ramon tatay
5. Lamentos