Grade: 7/10
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w/ Gritos De Alerta
- 7", 2005.
Sick Terror - Ajaxfree re-masters/re-monsters 7"
Genre: Thrashcore
Origin: Brazil
Released: 2004
Website: Sick Terror, Ajaxfree
Label: Blindead Productions
Uploaded: -

This baby just rips through nine songs of some of the most vicious thrashcore ever. Just raging grinding away with some extreme intensity and mad screaming.
The reason for the record title is that Sick Terror recorded this back in �02, and then Ajaxfree added samples and noises to it all in �03 - This adding a whole other dimension to it all, as the samples/noises are used in a genius way. The songs Ajaxfree re-monsters are taken from Sick Terror's 7" 43 Segundos and split 7" with Ruido. But even if you own these records you should check this out! It's something new. This mix of excellent thrashing hardcore and amazing noise is something I've never heard before.
You like thrash? - Check this out! You like mad raging thrash? - Check this out! You don't find this description interesting? - Then fuck you! This kicks ass and this 7" has been thrashing my room to pieces over the last couple of days! It's impossible not to get affected by the intensity of Sick Terror.

1. M�quina In�til
2. Guerra dos Moinhos
3. Cidad�o Preso
4. Caminhos sem Esperanca
5. O Muro
6. Eu sou um Perdedor
7. L�minas Para o Natal
8. Morda a L�ngua
9. Lair Ribeiro Is Watching You