Grade: 7/10
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Poppy Seed Grinder - Oppressed reality CD
Genre: Death metal
Origin: Czech Republic
Released: 2004
Website: Poppy Seed Grinder
Label: Khaaranus Productions
Uploaded: 15.04.08

I�m just a tad skeptical towards this album. Sure, these Czech�s surely provide technical and brutal death metal, with all the ingredients I love, but there�s still something that doesn�t fully draw me in.
The drumming is fully blasting in a raging speed while the chainsaw guitars screech and whine as the technical riffing hits you, all while gruffy, deep cookiemonster growling hurl boulders at you. And this blazing mangle can quickly turn into a chugging, churning breakdown with plenty of room for headbanging, all while full on blast sets in once more. Lyrically it�s more a concern for where the world�s heading, rather than gory hack n slash bits. And the album certainly has it all to make it; technicality, brutality, speed as well as slow parts, great vocals and variety. Although they stick to the same concept throughout the album they still offer variety to the tunes, instead of just doing the same song over and over.
But even though it has all that it doesn�t fully draw me in, not to the point where the adrenaline�s pumping and the blood�s boiling. I can�t say why, that�s just the way it is� But if I have to complain about something it�d be about the production, which sounds weak and digital. There�s no warmth nor fullness. But oh well, I�d still advise you to look them up and judge for yourself.

01. Elimination of evil
02. Oppressed reality
03. Delight from suffering
04. Naked mind
05. Sadistic corporation
06. Rotting process in human mechanism
07. Think of death
08. Bloody psychotic disease