Grade: 7/10
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Pisschr�st - S/T 7"
Genre: Crustcore
Origin: Australia
Released: 2005
Website: -
Label: Putrid Filth Conspiracy
Uploaded: 10.09.05

These Aussies were unknown to me before, except maybe reading their name a couple of times. And the first thing I notice are the vocals. This guy has gotta be in some Australian grindcore band, 'cause the vocals seem damn familiar. And I think I recognise it from some grinders. Anyway... Noisy crustcore, Doom style. The sound's maybe a bit too distorted for my taste, but not the music. Nothing new and exciting, but definitely satisfying for fans of Disclose, Discharge (pretty much any band named Dis- something, hehe). D-beat to the bone!

1. Forged in the flames
2. Distort
3. Pisschrist
4. Holokaust
5. Tiba masa
6. Generasi