Grade: 7.5/10
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M�rder - Promo 2004 CD-R
Genre: Crustcore
Origin: Sweden
Released: 2004
Website: M�rder
Label: -
Uploaded: 19.02.05

M�rder's 7" Deathlike Silence has some of the most brutal and dark k�ng I know. I especially love the deep growl-like vocals just bursting out lyrical bits like Knee-Deep In Blood and Stab My Fucking Body, Piss On My Dirty Soul. And that's what I miss here on this promo - the deep, guttural vocals. Sure, it's fucking wicked d-beat, and the tracks are bloody golden. But without the brutality of those powerful vox, I'm not as hooked as I used to be. Now this will satisfy any fan of scandicrust, and I'd love to hear this stuff on vinyl. But I think a better production's needed to be honest. Still, this is just a promo. Maybe it'll be re-recorded or something. M�rder's a tremendous crust-act, and these songs are no exception. Heavy and brutal!

1. �ter eller �ts
2. N�got e sjukt
3. En v�rld i l�gor
4. M�rder
5. Produkter