Grade: 7/10
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Fully Consumed - S/T CD
Genre: Death metal
Origin: USA
Released: 2006
Label: Epitomite Productions
Uploaded: 09.04.08

Well this was a full on, heads on onslaught of technical riffs and blasting. The kick drum is on a, pretty much, neverending full speed, which is also the case for the remainder of the drumming. But within this assault of blast there�s quite a number of swift tempo changes, and the riffing offers a technical approach to it. It�s hard to explain, but there�s tons of tempo changes that can happen so fast it�s barely noticeable at times. Fully Consumed also offer some semi-artsy (without the fartsy) bass playing (I�m thinking of Slavior among others), wicked guitar leads and solos like in Frantikus, as well as just plain heavy breakdowns.
I really do enjoy the music; it�s technical, brutal and a tad unorthodox, and it�s served in a chunky production. But the vocals actually bother me a little. The main vocals are screams that at times turn into gory growls, but the screams annoy me just a smidge, which of course affects the impact the end result has on me. Eventhough it kicks ass, there�s still something bugging me, hindering me from fully getting consumed by Fully Consumed. Oh, and by the way. I know that last part was a seriously bad joke, but I couldn�t help myself, I just had to do it.

01. Murder in the name of Jesus
02. Frantikus
03. Slavior
04. Doldrums
05. Send AM
06. Man of peace
07. Stick your neck out
08. Fractured reality
09. Extinguish