Grade: 8.5/10
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Diskonto - Watch us burn LP
Genre: Crustcore
Origin: Sweden
Released: 2005
Website: Diskonto
Label: Putrid Filth Conspiracy
Uploaded: 10.09.05

Hell yeah! After just a couple of songs I can easily state that this is thee best Diskonto album so far. They've pretty much always had a tendency for creating dis-loving crust, but this is by far the most vicious, ferocious and just plain raging recording to date. You all should know Diskonto by now, after numerous splits and albums - Bloody fuckin' k�ng!
Highly political lyrics, definitely well-written and worthy giving a second thought to. Although quite simple lyrics, it doesn't feel like every other bands continuous standard propaganda. All the tunes are in Swedish, with English explanations to 'em. Well, all but one. Money stinks is a D.R.I. cover, and so the lyrics aren't included.
Dunno what else to say. If you've ever liked Diskonto you'll freaking love this. A must have for every dis-fan!

1. Bra f�rs�k
2. Vagt motst�nd
3. Ett f�rsvar av v�rldskapitalismen
4. Handla innan pengarna tar slut
5. S�pofiera mitt liv
6. 3-2-B
7. Kn�djupt i skiten
8. V�pnad kamp (f�r en sprucken illusion)
9. Money stinks
10. L�ften och l�gner
11. N�r orden har d�tt
12. Mitt purpurhj�rta har brustit
13. Du har underskattat mig
14. Vilken fiende r�stade du p�?
15. Farv�l till entusiasmen
16. Sakral och profan egoism