Grade: 10/10
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Live fast, die young...
- CD, 2006.
Blood Freak - Multiplex massacre CD
Genre: Goregrind
Origin: USA
Released: 2007
Website: Blood Freak
Label: Razorback Records
Uploaded: 09.04.08

Well smack my ass and call me Lucy, this is a wicked album. If you were any way near of loving Blood Freak before then you will absolutely adore this slab of gory horror mangle. After a kick-arse intro that would fit any older horror flick the gore starts. Taking the groove from 80ies thrash metal, adding the gore of Impetigo, the brutality of old school death metal creates a potent mix of energetic, churning riffs, quality drumming and gore to be reckoned with. The riffs are really the focus point here, as each and every stroke on a string is so well-planned, and each solo just fits like a glove. It�s usually mid-tempo, but when this bad boy starts grinding is difficult not to go apeshit and slaughter the neighborhood. Neil�s vocals offer so much variety, going from gory to growling to screaming, and everything at the same time. Absolutely top notch.
Lyrically it�s a tribute to 70ies and 80ies horror and slasher films, and a warning to Hollywood for remaking old classics and turning them into shit. And while on the subject of lyrics, let me just tell you they�re absolutely awesome. Don�t metal with Satan is absolutely hilarious! And the artwork totally fits the theme. This is the shit, and destroys any and all opposition.

01. Theme from Multiplex Massacre
02. Cleavage cleaver
03. Rocktober blood
04. Go for the grossout
05. Body by death
06. If you have the guts� He wants them!
07. Lady lunatic
08. Aerobicide

10. Poultry pervert
11. Thrills, chills, and blood spills
12. Roadkillers
13. Savage streets