Grade: 8/10
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Ahumado Granujo - Chemical holocaust CD
Genre: Goregrind
Origin: Czech Republic
Released: 2004
Website: -
Label: Khaaranus Productions
Uploaded: 15.04.08

During the first couple of tracks I thought to myself �good, they�ve left all that techno nonsense behind�. Until Trip off sets off with a one minute long semi-techno intro, and so does the next track� And the next track� Most tracks have that techno-shite as an intro, but thankfully they haven�t mixed it in with the grinding. I�m not too fond of cybergore and stuff like that.
If I ignore the techno bits (well, at least I�d call it techno. I don�t know what the hell it is �cause I hate electronic music), which actually at times sounds a bit like Prodigy, Ahumado Granujo serve up some wicked gored grindcore. It feels a bit like Regurgitate, mixing the older and raw goregrind they used to create, with the Deviant era cleaner grindcore. And at times there�s also a sort of crusty vibe to the tunes, and a Cock and Ball Torture-esque groove. And these lads use quite a lot of effects for the vocals, well at least I�m pretty damn sure it�s effects �cause no human could make those sounds without a little assistance. But this groovy, gored, sometimes crusty grindcore is presented in a fairly hefty production, with a sound that lets the strings churn and the drums hammer.
It really is one killer album, if I just try to ignore the digital shit that mess up the otherwise fine-arse mangle. So if acts like Dead Infection, Regurgitate, Cock and Ball Torture and Last Days of Humanity is your thing I really advise you to pick up a copy of Chemical holocaust. Oh, and I definitely enjoyed the Disrupt cover towards the end � killer! It�s really too bad Ahumado Granujo�s not around anymore�

01. Bender
02. Zoodiac
03. Trip off
04. Edward the liquorhands
05. Propaganja
06. Faggotura
07. Eight hours bread
08. Pickled temel�n
09. Le ketamin
10. King Anus III.
11. Citron B
12. Jesus crystal
13. Creation�s scourge
14. Sandokal
15. Ashtray made of pork
16. U-her�k
17. A life�s a life
18. Schindler�s acquaintance service
19. Untitled
20. Untitled